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Gerald Flynn
6/24/1929 - 3/1/2020

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of veteran member Gerald Flynn (90) who passed away on March 1, 2020. Gerald joined the company on September 5, 1963 and served the Borough of Plymouth as a volunteer until his death over 56 years later. At the time of his passing, Gerald was the oldest living veteran member of Plymouth Fire Co. No. 1.


The officers and members of Plymouth Fire Co. No. 1 express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Gerald as they mourn his loss.

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


As Luzerne County has entered phase yellow, the social distancing restrictions have lessened and small gatherings up to 25 persons is now permitted.


Effective June 10th, the Plymouth Borough Fire Department will no longer be holding birthday parades. At this time, we regretfully have to decline any new requests. However, if you previously scheduled a parade with the department, rest assured that we will still be there to celebrate.


We enjoyed seeing the smiles on everyone's faces and appreciated all the opportunities to celebrate with you and your families.


From our family to yours, we wish you health, safety, and peace.


God Bless!


Free training event through Bucks County Community College!


  • Open to all emergency services personnel

  • No Pre-registration required


Check out the event on Facebook:


Join us in showing support for emergency responders in your hometown and across the United States. Our department has purchased signs displaying the thin red line, thin white line, and thin blue line to honor the hard work and sacrifices made every day by police officers, firefighters, and EMS workers.


There is no better time than the present to purchase a sign and show your support!



Here are a few ways to get a sign before they sell out!



* Message our department Facebook page to arrange for pickup or delivery (UPS or in-person).


* Contact a member of our department.


* Pick up at our firehouse on Gaylord Avenue (near Turkey Hill).


* Call the firehouse at 570-779-9878 between 4:30 PM and 11:30 PM.

Check us out on WNEP

Plymouth Fire Co. #1 & Plymouth Ambulance
Awarded Grants from Pennsylvania American Water

Plymouth Fire Co. #1 and Plymouth Ambulance were just two of 144 fire and rescue organizations across the Commonwealth to receive the annual Firefighting Support Grant from Pennsylvania American Water (PAW).


Since the inception of the program in 2009, PAW has donated more than $640,000 to fire and rescue organizations. This year, however, they tripled their grant program to help with the funding gaps that resulted from Covid-19.

PAW Press Release

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